Monday, January 30, 2017
Thursday, January 26, 2017
“Enthusiasm ,makes the difference”
- Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
This statement is true because enthusiasm does make the difference in anything. For example, is you have a job interview you're not just gonna sit there and you have to go in with enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is absolutely necessary is you want to accomplish anything with value. You need to have that motivation that will push you to achieve greatness. You need to be passionate, grateful, positive, proud, creative and reasonable.
Medical Illustrator
Duties and Responsibilities:A medical illustrator is a professional artist with advanced education in both life science and visual education. A medical illustrator is an advanced problem solver.
Salary: $62,000
Education: Masters degree from a two year graduate program in medical illustration.
Demand: some medical illustrators receive royalties from secondary licensing of existing artwork:
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
“I wasn’t trying to leave a legacy. I was trying to do what was right.”
-Dean Smith
In life you supposed to leave a legacy. This legacy is supposed to be based on all the good things you've done for everyone and everything that you do. We shouldn't leave a legacy for being notorious we should leave a legacy of being a ctr person. If I were to ever leave a legacy I would want people to remember me by all the good things that I have done all the things that I have accomplished.
Friday, January 20, 2017
“It’s not about how to achieve your dreams. It’s about how to lead your life the RIGHT WAY, the karma(good results, destiny, fortune, good luck) will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you.”
-Dr. Randy Pausch
This is a very inspiring statement. This statement motivates you in a way that you feel like you can achieve anything. It is possible to achieve anything but only if you set your mind to it and you believe you can do it. This all depends on whether you're passionate about it. You just gotta want it. You have to play by the rules because if you don’t then you get used to not playing by the rules. When you get to not playing by the rules at some point you're going to get caught.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
“Of all the work that is done or that can be done for our country, the greatest is that of educating the BODY, the MIND, and above all the CHARACTER, giving spiritual and moral training to those who in a few years are themselves to decide the destinies of the nation.”
-Theodore Roosevelt
The most important thing all of us can do is educate the body, mind and character of the new generation. This is because in a few years this generation will be the destinies of the nation. In order to have a great nation we need to prepare the next generation first. For example, it’s like cooking you can’t just eat the food raw you have to cook it in order to be able to consume it. The generation will have to be able to consume the information from the body,mind and character. These generation’s will decide the future for our country and of course all of us want to have a good and healthy country so that’s why it is important that we teach the generation to have good character and to ctr so that we don’t fall as a country.
Medical Assistant
Duties and responsibilities:Medical assistants complete administrative and clinical tasks in the offices of physicians, hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Medical assistants usually do the following such as:
- Record patient history and personal information
- Measure vital signs such as blood pressure
- Help the physician with medical examination
- Schedule patient appointments
- Prepare blood samples for laboratory tests
Salary: $43,880
Education: Graduate from postsecondary education programs.
Demand or need for this profession: There is demand for medical assistants in many different areas of medicine. As a medical assistant you can choose to specialize in a particular type of medicine such as podiatry, ophthalmology or chiropractic care
Friday, January 13, 2017
“Take responsibility for YOUR OWN body, mind, and spirit, for your own physical, mental and spiritual well-being.”
-Mr. C.S. Haymore
This statement means that in order for ourselves to be well it’s our responsibility to take care of our own selves. For example, if you something or eat or drink something you're not supposed to it can make you bad. Like your physical and mental well-being. For example you shouldnt be worrying about the little things in life worry about the big things. “The body heals with play.The mind heals with laughter and the spirit heals with joy”.
Duties and Responsibilities:licensed practical nurses perform a variety of tasks under the supervision of a registered nurse. Such as, keep records and medical histories,perform CPR and administer basic care.
Salary: $47,920
Education: Diploma in practical nursing. Must pass the national council licensure examination for practical nurses.
Demand for this profession: licensed practical nurses will grow in time.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
“Intelligence is not enough.intelligence plus character,that is the goal of true education.”
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
This statement means that you need to have both intelligence and good character in order to achieve the goal of education.You can’t just have intelligence or just have good character. Because it wouldn’t work that way. For example, if you're working at a hospital and you have to tell the patient that they have a disease or some kind of cancer. That they have to get surgery that may or may not kill them. You can’t just say you have to have sympathy. You have to have good character. To have good character you have to have intelligence. Because when you combine both of those together it’s magic. And so that’s why we need both good character and intelligence
Duties and Responsibilities:Registered Kinesiologist are human movement specialists who work to understand how and why people work the way they do. Strives to be the leader in prevention of injury and chronic disease.
Salary: Can receive up to $80,000 yearly
Education:Bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or doctoral required by some employers
Demand for this profession: With life expecting frequency kinesiology can enhance the quality of life in your later years by helping to maintain health, prevent injury or disease and improve your prospects for a healthy lifestyle
Monday, January 9, 2017
“We need the courage to start and continue what we should do, and the courage to stop what we shouldn’t do.” -Richard L. Evans
This statement means that we should have courage and the strength to do the right thing and the courage and strength to stop doing the wrong thing. We all have a purpose in life and all of us should have the same purpose which is to do the right thing even when it is incredibly hard and choose the right.
School Break Days
During winter break I did some things. For example, I spent time with my family. For my sisters birthday we went to six flags and it so fun. The first ride we got on was Goliath and i don't see why everyone is afraid of that ride . On Christmas day my family came to my house and we started cooking then the rest of my family came and we opened gifts and we were playing games it was fun. The places i went during break were mostly six flags because my family cousins and myself got the season pass for it. I also went to church . I went to a new year party. I went out with my cousins and friends. I also went to yogurt land and starbucks. I didn't really meet new people because I already new them its just that i actually started talking to them. I watched a lot of movies such as, adventureland,its a girl boy thing, 13 going on to 30, the whole twilight series and some new shows that i watch and still watching are greys anatomy, stranger things, the magicians and that's all. I didn't watch any sports or play in anything.

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